Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Going with the flow....

Talk about divine timing!

While I'm resting & relaxing in Columbus, IN this morning, I started chatting with my friend's father about my trip to Guatemala. He tells me that he knows a couple in Columbus who have a foundation for helping people in Guatemala.

Long story short, I meet them. We spend several hours talking about the foundation - Seeds of Help. It's designed to assist the people of Guatemala through education and development programs and construction projects. I love that they follow the policy of teaching people how to fish instead of giving them fish to eat!

Tonight we talked about the organization, development efforts, and great ideas about how to move forward. I'm traveling back to Indiana in early September to continue talking with them about how the organization can grow and evolve.

Some people would say, "What an amazing coincidence!"

I say, "Everything happens for a reason!"

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