Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Waiting to hear from my agency

After spending almost a week in Guatemala, I know that it will be an honor to have life-long ties to that country! I have been doing some research on options to live & work there. Ideally, I'll find a way to live there in the summers so I can escape the Phoenix heat.

Realistically, it might be difficult to find a way to live & work there. Teaching might be an option. If I can get decent telecommunication and Internet connections, it might be easier to tele-commute with my clients.

I also contacted my agency to ask if it would be possible for me to live in Guatemala with my child(ren) during the adoption process. I'm waiting to hear from them.

Now it's just a matter of time as the details get worked out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you hear back from your agency? What a wonderful thing that would be to be able to be with your child while you are waiting for the adoption to be completed.