Monday, August 6, 2007

Another voicemail

Before my caseworker left for her vacation last week, she said that I'd hear from the program director. When I didn't hear anything from the program director by Thursday of last week, I called and left voicemail.

I left another voicemail just now for my caseworker. I realize she's probably swamped today since she was out last week. I asked her to call me with an update - even if it's to let me know they are still discussing it.

I continue to remind myself that it's not about my timing. It's about divine timing.


Betsy said...

I wonder if another agency might be more responsive?

Hope you hear something soon.

Lucinda Naia said...

The issue really isn't their responsiveness. My agency is being really cautious because they want to avoid the possibility that I couldn't complete the adoption. The last US State Dept memo in June scared them because it said that after US implements the Hague, it will not honor adoptions from Guatemala unless Guatemala is also compliant with the Hague. That means I could complete my adoption but be unable to get a visa for my child to enter US.