Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ladybugs & Lilac Walls

Today I have lunch with Marla & Beth. Beth's daughter is looking adorable in her ladybug dress & socks. She has a beautiful smile with big brown eyes and dark hair. I make silly faces and sounds to her as we sit across the table from each other. She's just turned 1.

I feel so lucky to have these two women in my life. They ask about what's been happening, and I tell them the latest conversation with the adoption adviser. We talk about kids, ages at adoption, and adjustment. Nope, not the kids adjusting - the parents! Marla talks about getting up in the middle of the night to feed Ian.

My life is beginning to be turned upside down. I know that mentally, even if I have no idea what it will actually be like physically and emotionally.

This morning as I was walking through my house, I started re-arranging furniture. I know the "Lucinda room" is going to become the nursery/child's room.

People thought I was odd when I painted the walls lilac several years ago. At the time, I wanted a sanctuary within my home ~ a space that was peaceful where I could meditate, pray, be alone with my thoughts.

Now I laugh at a memory. I remember how I used to say that my daughter's nursery would be done in purple because I'm not fond of pink.

I guess my inner Lucinda knew several years ago that my daughter would live in that room. Now I don't have any "if" feelings. Now it's just a matter of time before she's here.

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