Thursday, November 9, 2006

Sharing my info

Marla asks me to contact a friend who is considering Guatemala for adoption. She knows that I have more info on Guatemala than she has. She adopted her daughter from China and her son from Korea. She has listened, encouraged me, and went with me to the first orientation session.

I am humbled to think that I now have more info on Guatemala than a woman who helped me decide adoption is my path.

I am honored to email this woman. After all, we're all on the same journey to create our families. I'm just a step ahead.

I send a lengthy email with everything I can think of. I share with her. I share website info on a few agencies that I think are a cut above the other ones.

When I hit send, I keep thinking about Beth's friend of a friend. Finally, I decide that I have to pay attention to my little voice. I send an email to Beth with the same info. I tell her I realize I'm being forward, but I keep thinking about this friend of her friend. I ask her to forward the Guatemala adoption information to her friend to forward to her friend. (goodness, it feels like a game of Telephone!)

Now I feel peace over helping someone else on their journeys. That's a good feeling.

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