Monday, December 25, 2006

Family chats

Being home with my parents and brothers has created some opportunities to talk about the adoption. I asked my dad if he wanted to be called Grandpa or Papa or something else (I'm hoping he chooses Grandpa). He said he needs some more time to adjust to the idea. I appreciate his honesty, and I'm looking forward to when he tells people on his own.

I told him if he'd feel more comfortable I can stop talking about it. If I wait until the baby arrives, I thought it would be more of a shock to call one day out of the blue to say, "oh, by the way, there's a baby in my house, and I'm keeping her."

Today I talked with my favorite aunt and told her my news. Last year when I was still considering IVF and adoption, I talked with her about it at Thanksgiving. She was excited for me and asked what my mom said when I asked her what she wanted to be called. I think she wanted to be the first person to call my mom "Grandma" :-)

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