Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Since I was 9 1/2

Yesterday I had my orientation call with the adoption agency. The first question she asked me was if I had been thinking about this for awhile or if it was a sudden decision.

I told her about the book I read when I was 9 1/2. My mom received the Reader's Digest condensed books, and I would read the novels that interested me.

They Came to Stay is about a single woman adopting two daughters - one from Korea and one from Vietnam. She had worked as a journalist covering the plight of Amerasian children (American dads serving in the Vietnam War).

At the time I read it, I was fascinated by the story and thought about the little girls a lot. I wondered what their lives were like and how they changed. I remember reading the "About the Author" and was thrilled to know that she had married after adopting both girls. It felt like she had created a great family!

Several years ago my aunt found the book for me. Marjorie Margolies was in her early 20's when her story began! All these years I thought of her as an adult (being 9 1/2, I'm sure it did feel like she was a grown-up and knew what she was doing).

Now I wonder if my insides have always known I would adopt, and the rest of me just had to catch up.

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