Thursday, December 28, 2006

Story ideas on Oprah's website

This afternoon I'm watching Oprah talk with Senator Barack Obama. From what I've heard of him, I respect him. After watching him speak today, I'm even more impressed with how he is in person and with his wife. I know today's show is a repeat episode. What I didn't catch the first time is that his daughter's name is Malia (today's God-wink about her presence in my life!)

Not sure why I felt so compelled today, but I decided to submit a story idea on Oprah's website. I explained that I had always expected to marry and have children. Now I'm choosing to pursue an international adoption, and I'm concerned about the potential uncertainty of what will happen in 2007 with Guatemalan adoptions.

I talked of what I consider to be the U.S. government's hypocritical stance regarding private adoptions in Guatemala. Since most adoptions are relinquishments from birth mothers in private arrangements, the U.S. government is saying it may prevent U.S. citizens from adopting from Guatemala. Unless our government is going to stop private adoptions from occurring in our country, I don't understand why it thinks it can stop adoptions in another country. I realize the nuances of the Hague Convention are more detailed than that, but that is one of the sticky points.

Unlike other countries with international adoption programs, there is NO child welfare system in place. If the children are not adopted, their lives are bleak. Poverty and illiteracy rates in Guatemala are among the worst in the world.

I also suggested Oprah's producers visit It's an objective site with information and resources specific to Guatemalan adoption, including a new blog by an adult Guatamalan adoptee Meredith.

Who knows what could happen as a result of the suggestion? I'd like to see some positive news coverage related to international adoption and single women choosing to adopt.

That would be a GREAT result!

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