Monday, December 11, 2006

In the midst of the flu

Saturday I woke up with the flu - fever, hot & cold chills, throwing up, headache. Basically, I was miserable!

While concentrating on keeping dry Cheerios in my stomach, I was thinking about a year from now. What happens after Baby Girl arrives? I was in no condition to take care of me, much less a baby. Who will I call to take care of Baby Girl?

I have to move the extra phone back into my bedroom and re-evaluate who is on my speed dial. As part of my recuperating process from a broken heart, I had deliberately moved the phone out of my bedroom two years ago. Its presence had reminded me of his calls and how delighted I was when the phone rang late at night.

Now the phone in my bedroom will have a different purpose..... I have to be able to call someone to take care of the baby.

Yes, it seems simple.... but I'm recognizing that nothing is simple when you're a single mom.

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