Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Timing is everything

I've been thinking a lot about why I am waiting to send the agency agreement and money until after the holidays. It reminds me of when I moved to Phoenix from St. Louis.

When I was in transition from St. Louis to Phoenix, most people didn't understand that I was waiting on peace from God. I requested and received approval to transfer offices with my employer almost immediately. I even flew to Phoenix to look at houses, and nothing felt right.

I asked for the transfer to be effective after I sold my home in St. Louis. I had absolutely NO peace about putting the condo on the market. I stayed in a place of waiting for SEVEN long months! yes, I said months!

I was ready to go! I knew I was moving. I told everybody I was moving. Of course, after awhile some friends didn't believe I was moving because I had done nothing to sell the condo. I saw my realtor at a wedding in May 2000 and told her I was moving. I said I wasn't sure when.

Then, I woke up one morning in June and knew I could do something. I flew out in July to look at houses even though I knew exactly how $&#* hot it is in Phoenix in July. The house I found had been on the market for 6 days, and my contract was accepted without even listing my condo in St. Louis.

When my plane landed in St. Louis, I had a voicemail from my realtor in St. Louis. A young couple had missed out on buying a condo in the complex where I lived that weekend. She knew it was a longshot, but was there any possibility I was still moving to Phoenix? Within 24 hours I had a contract in hand for my condo, selling it a healthy profit and with absolute peace in my heart.

What I learned from that experience is to pay attention to how I feel. Sometimes my readiness is only half the solution. The other people have to be ready also for it to be perfect. Living in my house in Phoenix has been perfect in a lot of ways.

God knew what He was doing then, and a child is even more important than a house. I'm trusting He is in control of my adoption (that's what my agency says also).

It's okay that I'm waiting until after the holidays to send the agency agreement and first deposit. After all, maybe my Baby Girl hasn't even been conceived yet.

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