Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mom's Night Out

Friday night I met some amazing, wonderful, fun, and friendly women. It was Mom's Night Out event for Arizona Adoptive Families. I love the diversity of the group. We have people who have adopted domestically, internationally, transracial, multi-cultural, one child, sibling groups, closed/open/semi-open, etc. One woman has 8 children under the age of 15 and she home schools! I met another single mom - loved that!

Our nametags had our name and country where we adopted. Being a waiting parent, I put ??? on my nametag. With some of the turmoil I felt last week, I especially appreciated the support of this group. I talked with people about the two countries I'm considering and it helped.

After we enjoyed potluck dinner, we shared our favorite adoption books. Some people shared childrens books and some shared adult books. If I tried to read all these books, I'd be busy all day long for several months. I'm sure I will read some of the books eventually.

I'm just thankful that I have a community of like-minded women!

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