Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Please consider signing this petition

Although I feel like I'm in a waiting place at the moment, I still care what will happen to the children of Guatemala when the US implements the Hague regulations.

What grieves me is that the U.S. government and UNICEF are asking Guatemala to do what we are not doing in the U.S. They want private adoptions stopped in Guatemala, but are willing to allow them to continue in the States.

My sense of fairness says, "no way!" You can't have two sets of rules governing adoption. It is hypocritical of our government to push Guatemala's government to stop private adoptions.

UNICEF is advocating that children not be allowed to be adopted unless it can be proven that no family in the country will adopt them. That essentially stops adoptions from happening.

Families Without Borders has taken the time to explain the details and provide a link to an online petition condemning UNICEF's position. Please take the time to visit their site and consider signing the petition. My signature is #7827

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